Tuesday, April 28, 2009

My trip to Wellington

This is a movie I made to show you part of my trip to Wellington.  I was sad as I missed out on camp.  I still had a good time with my family in Wellington.



  1. Hi Ilalio, I have enjoyed watching your animation - very clever! Now I want to know the story that went with it to find out more about what you did there.
    Mrs Burt

  2. WOW!!!Ilalio

    what fantanstic work you must of had alot of
    fun in Wellington...

  3. hI Ilalio
    It sounded like you had fun
    at welligton.
    Your animation looks cool because you have told us how you got to welington.
    I've been to Wellington as awell
    Because of special things that happen
    like Birthdays,funerals,Holidays and all sorts of special things.
    Keep up the good work ilalio you are doing well .

  4. Hello Ilalio,

    I enjoyed reading your story about going to Wellington. I often go to Wellington in the holidays too!
    I liked your cool car, especially the wheels!
    Mrs Clarke

  5. Hey Ilalio

    That movie looked like you had a cool holiday at Wellington.I really enjoyed your movie about Wellington. Was it a very long trip.I hope you type another story like that.

  6. Nice movie you got thier farout you must like drawing car on hyperStudio 5 any way I like your car because it cool.
    By Casey T.

  7. You must of had lots of fun seeing your family in welligton.It was priity harsh you didin't come to camp all well better luck next time.
