Monday, February 16, 2009


When it was the holidays it was my cousin's funeral so we went to Samoa. It was cool because on Sunday night we went out to have dinner at my aunty's house. It was fantastic because my aunt cooks nice food on Sundays. After dinner the kids go upstairs to have fun with the other kids on their games.  I had heaps of fun playing on my cousin's transformer and I played on his PS2.  We played his best game which was Smack Down vs Raw 2009.
I slept at my cousin's then in the morningwe went to the beach to have fun.  We played volleyball on the sand and my team won sometimes.
We also had lunch on the  beach. After lunch we went for a swim. We played rugby in the water too.  I always got  dumped into the sea.  It was cool in the water and it was cool because we had something to eat. 
It was fun playing with my cousins in Samoa, But it was sad as well because it was my cousin's funeral.


  1. hey cool stuff you've got there hey was cool at sa:)sorry about who died at the funeral:( :(

  2. Hey Ilalio, nice work you got their putting in some exicting words in your story. I really liked the part when you where playing rugby in the water. I'm just wondering if you scored any treis or beat your couzin at the SmackDown VS Raw 2009

    From Erene
