Thursday morning the 9Th of June room 22 and the senior block went down to the science roadshow at Tamaki College. Why we went down to the science roadshow because it was part of our topic at Pt England school.
The thing what I was really enjoying was when they showed all the chemicals like gasoline I was surprised when they mixed the gasoline with fire.
There were cards that they gave out to people to complete in only if you want to you don't have to if you name gets drawn out you will win a prize. It was in the box. What the challenge was to go around and find out information there are questions on the card that you had to go and look for it was pretty easy but some was hard when you find the question for it you have to find miss V to tick it I finally finished my card in 2 minutes.
Then the scientist's called us to come and sit back down I was the last one to go sit down because I was busy still playing on the equipments what they want to show us was the important things. also showed us about our science
such as our touch, smell, sound , eyes. taste.
What I really enjoyed about that day was the best day I had this year at the moment I hope we go there again this year or next year.
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